Renewable energies are being developed and attaining better performance as well as offering better value. Besides, European countries are called to comply in the energy business. In our PEGE project we decided to research what is the energy efficiency situation with hotels, what are their strategies to take more advantage of renewable energies, and comply with targets. So, we decided to implement a study with focus on this parameter in 4 and 5 star hotels in Lisbon, identifying and assessing trends.

We developed an inquiry addressing hotel awareness on energy matters and on policies intended to align with energy trends. This inquiry, explored using Delphi a specific application named Welphi, will allow us to understand the level of concerns involved. This procedure takes different rounds and allows to confront the inquiries with the reactions and answers of the other participants in a secrecy basis. The participants are allowed to change their perceptions along the round rally and with this tentative procedure consensus is often obtained.

Our specific inquiry takes 17 participants from different hotel groups. Only 4 e 5 star hotels in Lisbon were addressed. With a different method, we would need to meet with all participants and consensus would be very difficult, if not impossible, as well as confidentiality would be at stakes.

Welphi was easy to use and mount, specifically with the help of the videos and demonstration supplied by the supplier and it definitely could adapt to our needs. With Welphi geographically disperse participants with busy agendas could interact through question and answers among all.